Useful links

Sheffield Stroke Services

What to expect from the Sheffield stroke pathway and key information for patients, families and carers.

Stroke Association UK

A UK charity who provide specialist support, fund critical research and campaign to make sure people affected by stroke get the best care and support to rebuild their lives.

Different Strokes

A UK stroke charity providing a unique service to younger stroke survivors and information about stroke in young people.

Say Aphasia

Communication problems are common after Stroke. Say Aphasia help people adapt to their new way of life and regain their independence and confidence.

NIHR Sheffield Biomedical Research Centre

The NIHR Sheffield Biomedical Research Centre is a research partnership between the University of Sheffield and Sheffield Teaching Hospitals, dedicated to improving the treatment and care of people living with chronic neurological disorders.

Sheffield Clinical Research and Innovation Office

The Sheffield Clinical Research and Innovation Office provides hands-on support and advice to researchers, members of the public, patients and industry partners about getting involved in research, study design and set-up.

NIHR Sheffield Clinical Research Facility

The NIHR Sheffield Clinical Research Facility has been supporting clinical research since 2006. The impact of the work that we support changes healthcare in the future; generating new treatments, finding new and better ways to deliver services and improving lives.